Medical Eligibility

Not everyone is a good candidate for microshading. If any of the following apply to you, you will not be able to get your brows tattooed. Please review this list carefully. Please email if you have questions.

  • Positive with COVID-19

  • Under age 18 or over age 65

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Diabetes - doctor's note required

  • Actively on anticoagulants, blood thinners, or long term use of aspirin, Tylenol, and/or ibuprofen

  • Autoimmune diseases - doctor's note required

  • Hepatitis A, B, C, D

  • Glaucoma

  • Hyper- or hypopigmentation

  • Blood disorders

  • Heart conditions

  • Prone to keloids

  • Allergies to lidocaine or epinephrine

  • Botox, facials, peels, microdermabrasion, or laser within 1 month of procedure

  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Use of Accutane / Retin A within the last year

  • Use of Latisse or any other eyelash/brow growth serums within 6 months

  • Allergies to metal and/or color

  • Poor reactions to prior tattoos

  • Open wounds, rashes, and/or any skin conditions on the procedure area

  • Undergoing or scheduled for chemo

  • Cancer

  • Epilepsy or prone to fainting

  • Allergies to pigments or topical anesthetics

  • Lupus

  • Organ transplant

  • Skin conditions on brows: eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, etc.

  • Iron deficiency

  • Severe anxiety

If you have questions about your medical eligibility, please reach out to me. Any information you share will only be used to verify your eligibility for cosmetic tattooing at Butterbrow. It will not be shared with any other party.


  • Pain

    There can be pain even after topical anesthetic is applied. Anesthetics work better on some people than others.

  • Infection

    Infection is very unusual. Your brows must be kept clean, and only freshly washed hands should touch them. You’ll learn more about this in the aftercare guide.

  • Uneven Pigmentation

    This can result from poor healing, infection, bleeding, and many other causes. Hypo- and hyperpigmentation are also risks. You may need to book additional appointments to correct any uneven appearance.

  • Asymmetry

    Every effort will be made to avoid stark asymmetry, but the majority of faces are not perfectly symmetrical. Adjustments may be needed with additional sessions.

  • Excessive swelling or bruising

    Some people bruise or swell more than others. Sterile ice packs may help reduce the swelling, and it typically disappears in 1-5 days. Some people don’t bruise or swell at all.

  • Anesthetics

    Topical anesthetics are used to numb your brows, such as lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, or epinephrine gel. If you are allergic to any of these, please let me know immediately.

  • MRI

    Because pigments used in permanent cosmetic procedures contain inert oxides, a low-level magnet may be required if you need to be scanned by an MRI machine. You must inform your MRI technician of any tattoos or permanent cosmetics.

  • Allergic reaction

    Allergic reactions to pigments are extremely rare, but there is still a chance. I can offer you a patch test a week before your appointment if you’ve ever had a reaction to pigment.

All clear?

If you’re medically eligible, click the button on the right to move on to the next section—policies.

If one of the following conditions applies to you and you have questions, email me at