How Ombré Brows Heal

Sure, ombré brows tend to look amazing the first day you get them. The reality, though, is that getting to your dream brows is a process.

Your ombré brows will start off fairly dark on the first day. They’ll reach peak darkness between days 2 and 3, then start to scab and flake off after 3 days. Don’t be afraid of this part! It’s totally normal, and some people don’t even flake at all. But during this phase, it’s sooo important NOT to pick your scabs. Doing so could remove pigment and even cause scarring.

After your scabs fall off, your ombré brows may look like they’ve disappeared. This is normal, too! It’s all part of the fascinating way your skin heals. Color will return to the surface over several weeks, and after 6 weeks, you can return for your second session. There, we’ll fill in any gaps or go darker or wider.

The best advice I can give you? Trust the process. Follow your aftercare. Try not to book your appointment within weeks of an important event so you’re not scabbing. Treat your skin with grace and let it heal naturally. Trusting the process is the #1 way to get the ombré brows of your dreams.

-Nina, Butterbrow 🧁

Ombre brow healing process

Brows are Sisters, Not Twins


Why do I need a touch-up so soon?